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Invest in Your Property With Our Stunning Carpets in Southend | Daniel James Flooring

In buying new carpets, you’re making an investment – often a fairly substantial one. Like any good investment, you’ll want to make decisions to protect it and ensure it proves a wise one many years on from now. Daniel James Flooring helps Southend clients make the right investment in a few different ways: by providing expert, tailored advice so you can locate the ideal product for your practical needs and aesthetic taste, and by installing it professionally to ensure long-lasting health.

This article, the latest in our blog series, looks to address another aspect of safeguarding your investment: keeping carpets protected, clean and looking their best. While many residents of Southend, one of our principal service areas, might think that keeping carpets clean is just a matter of looks, dirty carpets are quicker to deteriorate and their lifespan can suffer. So without further ado…

Protecting Your Carpet – A Short Guide

Keep Your Feet Clean – It might seem like obvious advice but it’s crucial! There’s so much, both obvious and invisible to the eye, that can be brought in after a wander about outside. We’d urge you to either thoroughly wipe your feet at the door, or take off your shoes to keep carpets in good and healthy condition; don’t be embarrassed to ask visitors to do the same!

Use the Hoover Regularly – An easy but vital form of maintenance that will get rid of all the fine dirt and mud that works its way into your carpets. It will also help you keep on top of allergens like pollen that can cause nightmares in the summer, and keep carpets free of nasty germs that might prove a danger to pets, children and others who are often face-to-face (quite literally) with carpets.

Stay Proactive – …what do we mean by this? Well, one example might be investing in a protective spray. There are many available on the market and we are always happy to provide free and bespoke advice to our Southend clients, so they can find one that’s best suited to the particular carpets they’ve invested in.

…And Be Reactive! – So you or a resident have spilled some food or drink on the carpet, what do you do? Spring into action! If you let a stain settle, the chances are it will quickly prove much harder to remove than if you’d acted immediately. That’s not to say Southend’s spillage prone should panic: simply get blotting with a clean towel (do not rub as this will spread the stain).

Don’t Be Afraid to Call the Pros – There are many carpet cleaning companies that include Southend within their area of coverage, and you shouldn’t be embarrassed to make use of their services from time to time. Even following the prior advice, carpets can get dirty over an extended period of time, and the equipment and techniques that the pros employ are typically far more effective than simple domestic methods.

In Southend and looking to fit out your property with high quality, yet affordable priced carpets? Pick up the phone and call Daniel James Flooring on 01702 547 774.